Global Resurgence of the Right. Conceptual and Regional Perspectives es el título del libro editado por Gisela Pereyra Doval y Gastón Souroujon, ambos investigadores del CONICET, docentes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario y de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, respectivamente.  

Esta obra reflexiona sobre las categorías conceptuales más adecuadas para dar cuenta de este fenómeno y si términos como populismo, fascismo, autoritarismo o conservadurismo pueden explicar las nuevas manifestaciones de la derecha. El libro también explora esto a través de una variedad de estudios de casos nacionales escritos por especialistas de países, que se centran en Austria, Italia, España, Argentina, Brasil, Ecuador y los Estados Unidos.

“Este libro traduce un esfuerzo por combinar una comprensión regional del renovado peso de las fuerzas políticas de derecha con las particularidades de cada caso, combinar lecturas que tengan en cuenta los factores coyunturales con un análisis que profundice las causas históricas de más larga duración. Análisis que es precedido por un examen a nivel teórico en donde se ponen en discusión las categorías heredadas durante el siglo XX para evaluar su capacidad heurística, su pertinencia a la hora de comprender los fenómenos del siglo XXI”, cuenta Souroujon.

A través de 13 capítulos y un epílogo, esta obra reúne a especialistas de todo el mundo, incluyendo a Esteban Iglesias (también docente de la UNL). Asimismo, reúne recomendaciones de algunos de los expertos más importantes en la materia:

The book avails of a series of prominent specialists in the feld, and advances an original three-fold set of explanations to deal with the phenomenon of populism.

Piero Ignazi, University of Bologna, Italy, and Sciences Po Paris, France

This book provides a very much needed comparative analysis of the rise of the right, by emphasizing both global dynamics and regional specifcities. As such, it ofers a very promising new perspective, away from the specular mistakes of unilateral generalisations and mere localism. A must read for all those interested in unpacking the puzzle of the global resurgence of right-wing politics.

Chiara Bottici, The New School for Social Research, USA

This is a novel contribution to the expanding literature on populism. The editors have put together a collection that is both historical and trans-national. The historical essays combined with the analyses of contemporary cases, particularly Latin America, show that populism is a global challenge that is not likely to disappear soon.

Mabel Berezin, Cornell University, USA

While there is a growing academic and public interest in the rise of diferent forms of (radical) right-wing politics, there are almost no studies that address this topic from a cross-regional perspective. This book closes this research gap by analyzing cases of right-wing politics from Europe and the Americas. Therefore, this is a must read for all those who are interested in understanding the global resurgence of right-wing politics and its specifcities at the regional level.

Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile



Introduction When the rights go marching in: an introduction. Gisela Pereyra Doval and Gastón Souroujon

1. Forty years of radical right-wing populism: an assessment. Hans-Georg Betz

2. Neoliberal totalitarianism. Marilena Chauí

3. Populism: uses, abuses and travels of an uncomfortable concept. Gastón Souroujon and Cecilia Lesgart

4. The intellectual reconstruction of post-war fascism and the populist right. Alberto Spektorowski

5. Latin American neo-patriot far right: between the crisis of globalisation and regional political processes. José Antonio Sanahuja and Camilo López Burian

6. The marginalisation of neofascist ideologies in Europe: the traditional extreme right in the postmodern era. Jean-Yves Camus

7. The efect of the resurgent radical populist right on the main centre left and centre-right parties and their adaptation strategies: the case of Austria. Reinhard Heinisch

8. The right in Italy: awaiting the day of reckoning. Gianfranco Pasquino

9. The Spanish post-fascist right: the unique case of Vox. Javier Franzé and Guillermo Fernández-Vázquez

10. The Argentinean right and the new order of Cambiemos (2015–2019). Juan Bautista Lucca and Esteban Iglesias

11. Bolsonaro in Brazil: to the right of the right. Gisela Pereyra Doval

12. The right turn as a process, not an assault: the Ecuadorian case, 2007–2019. Pablo Ospina Peralta

13. The stillborn revolution: the failure of right-wing populism in the United States. George Hawley

Epilogue: right and left in a post-Covid-19 world. Barry Cannon